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As a mummy – yes she is all grown up now but still… I understand the importance of giving your children the best adventures that you can. That doesn’t always work out for you if the only options are to book onto group sessions with other people. Our precious little poppets don’t half know how to act up and embarrass us at every opportune moment (mine certainly did) so if you feel my group events of any activities aren’t quite fitting the bill for you then get directly in touch and we can tailor the days to your family specific agenda.

Ghyll scrambling, via ferrata, guided walking, navigation and even wild camping can all be incorporated into your days out with lunch being provided if you wish. Got a birthday for one of your family members? Then be sure to mention it so I can make sure there is cake.

Family enjoying the outdoors in the Lake District

Many of my returning families have walking days, children friendly navigation sessions, went wild swimming in secret mountain tarns, tree climbing and we have even had sparklers and tinsel in the woods with hot chocolate and marshmallows. The children all seem to have grown rather fond of my “Mary Poppins” bag wondering what on earth they will be surprised with each time.

Whatever your ideas may be, please have a chat with me. Prices can be discussed upon chatting. We have three girls…. I know how expensive it can be to do activities with the whole brood so I wouldn’t want anyone to feel excluded due to the cost.

Family enjoying outdoo acitivites in the Lake District

Family Days.

Get in touch!

Any queries about any of the courses, just ask below 

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