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Meet the Team.

Hayley Webb

Growing up in London my mountain days started with our local ‘Horsenden Hill’. Soon after this, Dovedale, Snowdonia and The Lake District followed with our parents. We were mostly up for it (my sister and I) apart from maybe some teenage (Kevin and Perry moments'! My first 'proper' mountain day was the Snowdon Horseshoe at the age of 10. A love of scrambling quickly followed.

Fast forward a few years and after serving with the Armed Forces (REME) for a while (sadly a shin condition ended that prematurely),Wiltshire became my home. The Brecon Beacons now were the nearest mountains to me, accompanied by my young daughter. She too was going to grow up with adventures like I had experienced at her age, passing the knowledge on that I had gained from Mum and Dad.


Hayley Webb

I found myself driving North more and more until 2007, when I permanently settled in the Lake District. Being outside on the mountains all the time was now the focus, I just needed to find the way to make that happen. In 2008 I was privileged to be accepted into Coniston Mountain Rescue Team and spent eight years serving with them. Mountain Rescue is a phenomenal organisation, made up of volunteers who devote themselves (whilst doing a job also) to supporting people and ensuring their safety on the fells. You can donate to this great charity here. It was often harrowing but also hugely rewarding and was a massive part of my life. Helping the scared, wounded and lost whilst I worked alongside some of the longest serving members in Mountain Rescue's history. I am grateful to them to this day for their input to my life path.

Hayley Webb

I met new friends, equally as excited about mountaineering as I was. We got ourselves into a few scrapes on occasions too (including 26 of us gang the wrong way on the Crinkle Crags!) but this just fuelled the fire more. It's how I learnt. Hungry for travel and adventure, I just wanted to be on the mountains all the time. The head chef job had to go!

The Mountain Leader certificate arrived after encouragement from Stewart to go out and get it. Finally dreams were becoming a reality. Then, they were followed up with the Winter Mountain Leader, Paddlesport Instructor and recently, the International Mountain Leader.

Hayley Webb

Stew and I became an item in 2013 after a successful Mont Blanc trip. We then started our lives together by more adventuring. We've been to the highest points of Africa, France, Norway, Italy, Poland and Austria to name a few. An attempt on Peak Lenin - 7,110m in Kyrgyzstan and recently (2023), a brilliant crossing of the high cols of the Great Himalaya Trail; three 6000m+ glacial passes in a very remote part of Nepal. I waited ten years for this journey, it did not disappoint. We try to visit the Himalayas yearly which just happens to be the home of one of my total obsessions. Everest. Since I was a child the urge to see it, stand in its shadow and climb it spurred me on. That urge (to climb) has passed now but seeing it it still a wondrous sight.

Hayley Webb

It is for this reason, I get so much enjoyment leading treks there. Seeing other people experience the feelings I felt for the first time I laid eyes on the world's highest mountain is truly one of life's special moments. I am privileged to get to do this and share your special moments.

Closer to home however, Scotland is where my heart lies. Munro's (Scottish mountains over 3000ft) are my addiction (I have 2 left) especially during the winter. I love the snow. You will find Stew and I making the dash North at every spare moment we have - to walk, camp, sea kayak, paddle board or winter climb, we really don't mind as long as we are up in the Highlands.

Hayley Webb

Believe it or not despite what you read of my accomplishments, it has been know for me to have a meltdown or ten here and there. tears, traumas and many a teddy thrown have all contributed to my learning. I have had fears, many of which I have overcome by others teaching mw. This has all contributed I believe, towards the uncontrollable tears, wobbles, meltdowns. You CAN overcome it. YOU can do whatever you wish. I have.

I relax when in the mountains, feeling at peace where life feels timeless. The world almost stops moving for the moment. Nature, views and weather come together to offer the most sublime experience. Let me help you experience this. (If you aren't already bored or scared anyway!)

Hayley Webb

The Husband - Stewart Webb

Very occasionally Stu joins me at work. You may have already met his straight-talking humour, but if not, I apologise in advance. A very competent mountaineer, my adventure partner and the long-suffering shoulder for me to lean on behind the scenes when i have the odd emotionally tired meltdown, he really keeps me strong.

Stu usually accompanies me on international trips.

The Mum - Jules Buckley

Yes mum! Jules is the second leader on any of the UK walking trips. You can be sure of a laugh a minute with this mum and daughter tag team in charge of your adventures.

If you can’t fix a date with myself, mum may be available to take you out. Also living in Cumbria, Jules lives and breathes (heavily) for playing on the mountains. You will soon learn…. It’s not my fault!!

The Daughter - Jordan

All grown up now; an instructor in windsurfing and snowboarding (shout if you need her), Jordan is my admin control centre. Helping with emails, bookings and all things techy (zoom) she stops me throwing the computer out the window! Jordan also oversees bookings and enquiries whilst i am working away or on holiday.

During winter if you want to learn to slide down hill sideways then she s your girl. Give us a shout to book in.

The Dad - 'Old ' Dave

I would not be doing what I am today if it wasn’t for dad introducing mountains to my life. Whilst dad can’t get up the mountains now due to spinal issues, he often figures in my planning and is always there to answer the million questions I have.

I like to keep him involved with guess the location photos and always let him think things are his idea.

The Boss - Loki Dog

Let’s be honest here, most people are only booking to have a day out with our crazy mountain-loving spaniel. He really isn’t interested in you (food aside- don’t fall for it) and just wants to tear around like he has never been walked before.

If you have doggy fears/allergies just let me know, as Loki usually accompanies me to work every day and is my partner in grime.

Bryan Wakeley

Bryan holds the UK's highest outdoor qualification, the Winter Mountaineering Climbing Instructor award and joins us mainly for our winter courses in Scotland. Bryan has climbed extensively in the UK both summer and winter as well as in the Alps and the USA. Bryan is also an active fell runner and mountain biker and lives in the Lake District. 

Gemma Grewer

Gemma is the 'winter wifey' to Hayley. You'll find her in Scotland running the winter courses with her, as their double act is now becoming well known.  Occasionally joining for other activities in the Lake District too, Gemma is a Summer and Winter mountain leader, rock climbing instructor, and paddlesport professional. Also based in the Lake district, she is a keen climber, enjoying being on rock at home as well as lots of Alpine rock faces she has climbed alongside Sam (her other half, also an outdoor instructor). They are fur parents to Winnie the labrador. 

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